If there is an issue that you would like us to resolve, please contact us as soon as possible by calling our Customer Service team on 0300 123 8080, or sending us a private social media message. We will listen to your concerns, discuss possible solutions and agree the steps we will take to quickly resolve the issue.
On this page, you can find links to give a compliment, general feedback, or to raise a complaint. You can also find more information about our complaints process, and about the Housing Ombudsman. If you need any help reading the information on this page, including translating or reading aloud, visit the accessibility section of our website for more information.
Chase us on a repair or query
If you are waiting on a repair or query, let us know and we'll come back to you in two working days.
What type of feedback would you like to give?

Give us a compliment
If you have received great service from us, or would like to recognise a colleague for their work, we would really appreciate you giving us a compliment.

Give general feedback
If you have suggestions for how we could improve our services in the future, giving us general feedback can help us learn and make things better for you.

Raise a formal complaint
We always aim to get things right first time, but sometimes things can go wrong. In some circumstances you may want to raise a complaint.
Our approach to complaints
When raising a complaint, our promise to you is that we will:
- Listen to your complaint and make sure that we understand your concerns.
- Try to put things right straight away.
- Respond to your complaint in a positive, open and timely way.
- Keep you informed on the progress of your complaint.
- Treat you with respect and courtesy.
- Explain what we are going to do to put things right and will confirm this with you in writing.
When we receive your complaint, we will aim to resolve it immediately. If we’re not able to resolve it straight away, the complaint will be handed over to the complaints team. We will acknowledge the complaint within 24 hours of receiving it.
There are two stages to the complaints process, stage one and stage two. If you are unhappy with the response at stage one, you can ask for the complaint to be escalated to stage two and a senior manager will be asked to look at your complaint.
- At stage one, we aim to respond to your complaint within ten working days.
- At stage two, we aim to respond to your complaint within twenty working days.
We have a Service Improvement team who deal with complaints.
Service Improvement Advocates manage each complaint and will be in contact with customers who have made a complaint. They work with other teams in LiveWest that are complained about and who deliver services such as repairs, anti-social behaviour, or estate services. The Service Improvement Advocates make sure complaints are quickly and fairly resolved and identify areas for improvement.
Senior Service Improvement Advocates support the Service Improvement Advocates in their day-to-day work. They tell the teams who deliver services about the quality and speed of their complaint responses and help them to improve. They will work with LiveWest colleagues to fix problems that are causing lots of complaints. They also support a group of customers who review LiveWest’s complaint handling and make suggestions for change. Visit our get involved webpage if you would like know more about this group.
The Operations Manager, Customer Complaints and Learning manages the Service Improvement Team. They review how satisfied customers are with complaint handling and make sure that policies and procedures are being followed. They ensure that the team is properly trained and is working well.
The Director of Neighbourhoods, James Reseigh, has overall accountability for complaint handling performance and making sure LiveWest adheres to the Housing Ombudsman Compliant Handling Code.
The Board Member Responsible for Complaints is John Newbury. His role is to make sure that LiveWest has the right approach to complaint handling. He will work with colleagues to assure the Board and the Housing Ombudsman that complaints are being properly managed and will make sure that customer feedback helps the Board to make important decisions that affect you.
For more information on how we deal with the complaints we receive, you can read our Compliments, Complaints and Feedback Policy.
If you require any further information, please contact our Service Improvement team on 0300 123 8080.
Latest complaints news Read more news
Housing Ombudsman
You have the right to access the Housing Ombudsman Service throughout the duration of your complaint. They will offer you support and guidance throughout the complaint process and will ensure we remain compliant with Complaint Handling Code.
The contact details for the Housing Ombudsman Service are:
Online complaint form
Phone: 0300 111 3000
Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk
Postal address: The Housing Ombudsman Service, PO Box 1484, Unit D, Preston PR2 0ET
You said, we did
Your feedback is used to make improvements to our services. Find out how we have used customer feedback.
Complaint Handling Code
In July 2020, the Housing Ombudsman published a Complaint Handling code. The code aims to ensure fair and effective complaint handling, promote a positive complaints culture and to embed complaint learning. The Housing Ombudsman provides more information on their website about the Complaint Handling Code.
The Housing Ombudsman requires all landlords to complete a self-assessment against the Code, which we most recently completed in April 2024. You can read our self-assessment, or find out more about it on our website.
As part of our annual self-assessment for the Complaint Handling Code please find our Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report and our Housing Ombudsman Landlord Performance Report for 2023/24. You can also see our previous Housing Ombudsman Landlord Performance Report for 2022/2023.
Our Member Responsible for Complaints has provided a response to our Annual Complaints Report and our annual self-assessment.