Customer Announcement
Please use our customer portal for non-emergency repairs.

Our Customer Service Team are currently experiencing a high volume of calls due to the weather conditions. We are working to get through to you all as soon as possible. Please use our customer portal to report non-emergency repairs.

A home for everyone
2 April 2024

We have completed our 2024 complaints self-assessment

We are pleased to announce that we are compliant with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code.
LiveWest colleague speaking on the phone using a headset.

Did you know that LiveWest is a member of the Housing Ombudsman Service, a free and impartial service set up to investigate complaints made by customers about their housing provider? 

Being a member of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme means that you can ask the Housing Ombudsman for advice and support at any time, including accessing their website which has lots of useful information. 

You can also ask the Housing Ombudsman to carry out a formal review of how we have handled your complaint once we have concluded our investigations.

In July 2020, the Housing Ombudsman introduced a Complaint Handling Code. 

The Complaint Handling Code became statutory on 1 April 2024, which means that landlords are obliged law to follow its requirements. These new requirements are reflected within our Compliments, Complaints and Feedback policy.

Landlords must carry out an annual assessment against the Code to make sure their complaint handling remains in line with its requirements. 

In April 2024, we carried out our self-assessment against the Complaint Handling Code, and we are pleased to confirm that our Customer Compliments, Complaints and Feedback policy is compliant with all requirements.

Read our self-assessment from April 2024.

Contact us 

If there is an issue that you would like us to resolve, please contact us as soon as possible by calling our Customer Service team on 0300 123 8080, completing on online enquiry form or sending us a private social media message.  

You can find a copy of our complaints policy, an overview of our complaint handling process, online complaints forms to complete, and the contact details for the Housing Ombudsman on our compliments and complaints webpage.